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Online English lessons for children and teenagers

Individual and group lessons on the platform with a teacher without leaving home
Заняття англійською для дітей
An entertaining format of classes with an emphasis on live broadcasting
Онлайн-навчання для дітей
Interactive learning, own characters that will interest the child
Урок англійської
Unique content developed by a team of professional methodologists
Lessons last 40-50 minutes, so the student does not get tired
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Online school JustSchool

This is the place where you will find interactive classes, the best teachers and modern teaching methods
Access to interesting videos and games
Video chat with the teacher
Everything in one place: exercises, blog , games

English for children online: age groups

Interactives, game characters, and games are the basis of our courses. We teach English online with our students, because for children, this format of engagement is one of the most interesting and effective.
Заняття онлайн для дітей

From 5 to 6 years


We will prepare for school


Let's form a habit of studying


Let's make the language native


Let's learn through the game

Англійська для дітей

From 7 to 11 years


We will prepare for school


Will form a habit to study


Will make the language native


Will teach through the game

Англійська для підлітків

From 12 to 17 years


We will prepare for school


Will form a habit to study


Will make the language native


Will teach through the game

Групове заняття


Our online English school for adults takes a very careful approach to team selection. All our teachers have the appropriate level of knowledge and qualifications and will be able to effectively help you achieve the desired results in your studies.

Працівники на роботі

Methodical support

For teachers, there is support from the school's leading methodologist and constant updating of advanced training courses.

Англійська для дорослих

Native Speakers

In addition to classes with local teachers, you have the option to study with teachers from English-speaking countries.

Looking for other English courses?

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For adultFor companiesFor IT professionals

Tutors from Justsmart

They will help to learn the basics of various subjects interestingly and easily, as well as form the foundation of logical and creative thinking, develop attention and memory.

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Значок "вчитель" (білий)
Online English lessons with a teacher
Значок "сайт" (білий)
Access to training exercises and home tasks
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