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Our English teachers and tutors

JustSchool English teachers invite you to productive English lessons! There are lessons for every level.
Average experience:
5 years
Learning format
individual and group

The benefits of learning English with a tutor

There are many options for learning English: YouTube lessons, various print and online textbooks, apps like Duolingo... However, studying with a teacher is your best way to learn a foreign language:

The tutor will tell you how to do it right

You will always have someone to ask for advice. There will be a person who will check your homework and correct your pronunciation. After all, it is better to learn the correct version immediately, and not make mistakes and not have a chance to correct them due to lack of knowledge.

System approach

Usually, tutors teach using different methods, but all of them have their own system, a certain frequency of classes and a study program. English teachers will help you go through the topics one by one one and build your knowledge base in the English language gradually and correctly.

Additional motivation

Many people need another person to motivate them and serve as a kind of obligation to do something for learning. This is one of the main advantages of learning with a teacher. Why not only you will participate in this process, you will have less chance to compromise with your conscience and, say, watch a series instead of passing a new topic in English.
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Why you should study at JustSchool

Online English tutors offer you to study at JustSchool:
You build your schedule
Individual lessons with a teacher can be scheduled at the hours and days that are most convenient for you.
Online learning on an interactive platform
All tasks during lessons and homework will be checked automatically. You will have a video call with the teacher during classes.
Additional materials
Teachers will send interesting materials on the topic of the lesson for independent study. This will expand your knowledge and help consolidate the material. And our blog will offer articles on interesting topics in English.

Our teachers

English language courses will be the best teachers of JustSchool:
Adapt classes to your needs
So that you can get what you need as simply and quickly as possible. At the same time, all materials are explained as clearly as possible and topics are taught gradually and at a pace that is comfortable for you.
Teaching according to the method
Our team has created a methodology based on Cambridge. Get ready to watch a lot of videos and listen to a lot of audio in English: the interactive format helps you learn the material better.
They have the appropriate level of education and certificates confirming knowledge of the language. In addition, they are constantly improving their qualifications to be even more effective assistants for you.
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To study with an English teacher whenever it's convenient, download the JustSchool app and take your studies with you everywhere!
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