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English language courses in Ivano-Frankivsk

A foreign language is your universal tool for development, career and leisure. And our English language tutor Ivano-Frankivsk can help you learn it. Sign up for lessons to download your ability to speak, write and listen to English!
Lesson duration:
50 minutes
Learning format
individual and group

How to learn English quickly?

There are a few rules and tips, following which you can speed up the process of learning English — Ivano-Frankivsk offers many opportunities for learning, but we know for sure that besides school, it is also important to do things independently.

We recommend:

English language school, Ivano-Frankivsk is this or another city — it's important.

An English language school, Ivano-Frankivsk or another city is important. But don't forget to make efforts on your own and do your best to make your studies successful. But remember remember that everyone has their own pace and you just need to find your own approach.

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Advantages of studying at JustSchool

If you are looking for English language courses in Ivano-Frankivsk, the price of which will be affordable, and some training will be high, we recommend that you pay attention to the JustSchool school. We have the following advantages:
Interactive Automated Platform
The online learning format allows you to save time and effort due to the fact that you do not need to travel to school and home every time.
Automatic Task Check
You will complete tasks in class and at home in a personal office on a special interactive platform, and you will communicate with the teacher via video.
You can customize your study schedule
We have available groups for different levels to choose from, and if you prefer individual lessons, our English teacher in Ivano-Frankivsk will be able to adjust to your wishes by time lessons.
Additional Materials
Our blog covers additional useful topics, so you can read it for additional self-education.

Our teachers

Our greatest pride is our teachers:
Have appropriate certificates certifying their level of education and knowledge of the language.
Individual approach
They will find an individual approach to each student and know how to work
Constantly improve their qualifications and apply and optimal modern approaches in teaching.
Have a methodical approach
They work according to the methodology created by the JustSchool methodologists based on the Cambridge approach.
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